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How to Decorate a Home Office in Style: A List of Essentials, and 10 Inspiring Office Decor Catalogs

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What Happened to the Doctors Foster and Smith Catalog? Is It Available?

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Today's friendly advice is about:

Bath and Body Products

After a hard day at the office or on the home front, nothing feels more indulgent than a warm and indulgent bath. Treat yourself to an arsenal of bath and body products that will cleanse and moisturize, soften, smooth and replenish, with every application.

From decadent bubble baths and bath salts to sweet smelling shampoos and hair care products that will reinvigorate stressed out tresses, you'll find lines of natural bath and body products that are as good for the environment as they are for your skin.

Enjoy the finest bath soaps and toiletries, fragrant powders and age defying formulas, as well as a selection of men's shaving and grooming products that will leave him feeling equally pampered !
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