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Top 10 tourist sites in New York City

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Check out these popular tourist places to visit in New York City.

Check out these popular tourist places to visit in New York City.

Statue of Liberty


There aren’t too many better known pieces of national sculpture in the world that represent a country better than the Statue of Liberty. Egypt has the Pyramids, Rome has the Coliseum and Paris has the Eiffel Tower. The United States has the Statue of Liberty. It was a gift to the United States from France in honor of the friendship established during the French Revolution. The Statue of Liberty has become an American symbol of freedom and welcome to the immigrants who come to the United States looking for a better life.

Central Park


With the horse carriage rides and boat rides, Central Park is a welcome escape from the concrete noise, people and jungle freneticism of New York City. It’s been in existence for more than 150 years. Take a walk, a boat ride or just enjoy a picnic in Central Park and discover the Central Park mystique.

Metropolitan Museum of Art

If you are interested in classical art, then with over two-million works from around the world and throughout history you will probably find it at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Grand Central Terminal/Station


It opened in 1913 and is a hub of transportation. But there are shops, dining and more available to visitors. There are group tours available as well as free tours for individuals on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Rockefeller Center

The Rockefeller Center is in midtown Manhattan. The Today Show broadcasts from here. It is also known for Radio City Music Hall, the Christmas tree, Top of the Rock Observation Deck, ice skating and many dining and shopping opportunities.

Ellis Island

While there is political controversy today over immigration, going to The Ellis Island to see the Immigration Museum will help put the issue into perspective. It offers visitors a look into the immigrant experience at the turn of the last century. There are interactive exhibits, walking tours and movies. Being an immigrant is about hardships and challenges.



American Museum of Natural History


First opening in 1869 right after the Civil War, the museum has evolved and grown. The museum hosts a revolving series of new exhibits and the Rose Center planetarium. There is always something new to see.

Staten Island Ferry

The Staten Island Ferry is used by commuters and tourists wanting a view of the harbor and the Statue of Liberty. It is a free ferry from lower Manhattan to Staten Island.

The Museum of Modern Art

Established in 1929 and dedicated entirely to contemporary art, the museum has a wide and impressive collection of modern artistic efforts. The diversity of art and artists from film and architecture to painting and sculpture will contain something for everyone.

Empire State Building

It used to be the tallest building in New York City, and it is once again. In the 1930’s a U.S. Air Force plane flew into it accidentally, but the damage was minimal. Many movies have been made with it as the backdrop, like Sleepless in Seattle.

Ground Zero

This is the site of the former World Trade Center complex and the national terrorism disaster on September 11, 2001. You may visit the site and see countless memorials to those who lost their lives on that day.

This list of top 10 tourist sites in New York City is probably subjective, but they are among the most popular. Some would find 10 other sites to visit. But these all have their own unique story as part of the big city.


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