Free Swan Island Dahlias ​2024 Mail Order Catalog Request
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Free Swan Island Dahlias ​2024 Mail Order Catalog Request

Swan Island Dahlias Frequently Asked Questions

Swan Island Dahlias is the nation’s largest dahlia grower. Located in the beautiful state of Oregon, the company has been family owned and operated for more than 60 years. They are experts in planting and growing dahlias and are ready to show you how to add these gorgeous flowering plants to your own yard.

Order dahlia tubers now for spring delivery and planting. Dahlia flowers add color to your yard and garden all summer! Swan Island Dahlias offers over 350 different varieties of dahlias for you to choose from.

Orders can be placed securely online through their website. To browse the lovely dahlias at your leisure, request a copy of their 68-page full color catalog, available January through May. The $4.00 catalog charge will be deducted from your first order.

When you’re ready to enhance your garden by planting and growing dahlias, Swan Island Dahlias has everything you need.

Swan Island Dahlias Catalog Cover

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