Brigade Quartermasters Catalog features high quality gear and clothing designed for the serious outdoors adventurer, military/public safety professionals, and anyone who believes in being prepared.
Brigade Quartermasters has everything you need in outdoor and wilderness survival gear including compact emergency shelter, MRE’s and communication equipment. They even have wilderness survival kits and a completely portable 72-hour individual survival kit.
If you’re looking for military surplus gear, Brigade Quartermasters is the place for you. They offer a huge selection of Army surplus and general military surplus clothing and military tactical gear including GPS units, night vision scopes, binoculars, tactical vests, rations, boots, and other military surplus supplies.
Campers will find all the supplies they need, too, from thermal underwear, canteens, and rappelling rope to a complete camping first aid kit. Anyone interested in preparedness will find a treasure-trove of gear at Brigade Quartermasters. You may even use their wilderness survival kits for your emergency storage or for the trunk of your car during hazardous winter travel. Browse their military surplus gear inventory for other emergency essentials like survival blankets, 22-hour candles, water storage, water purification equipment, and compact hammocks.
Brigade Quartermasters also has gifts for your favorite service man or woman, or veteran. Choose from authentic military ID holders, a military insignia watch, personalized dog tags or other memorabilia.
From military surplus clothing to outdoor survival, let Brigade Quartermasters outfit you for your next adventure.
Hipster fashion, it’s a thing. If your look is not mainstream – and you’re under 50 – it’s probably at least a bit hipster. Individuality, vintage-designer mashups, gender neutrality, simplicity, minimalism, and a penchant for scarves tied a multitude of complex ways… all of these are clues that your style is heavy on hipster fashion, and we’ve got a hip selection of hipster fashion catalogs online for you.
This tiny dancer has the right idea