Helpful Tips for Transitioning Fashion from Spring to Summer
By Editorial Staff
by Info Guru Kitty Price
You know what the calendar says and you’re itching to stop wearing quilted coats and dark colors, but the cold weather just hangs on. Depending on where you live, snow in April or even May is not out of the question. Worse yet, those intermittent 70-degree afternoons often start out as 35-degree mornings. What’s a gal to do? How can you satisfy your craving for summer fashions without freezing to death? Try these fashion from spring to summer ideas for telling Old Man Winter. That no matter how he huffs and puffs, it really is spring and summer is coming fast!
10. Organize Your Closet

It may sound suspiciously like spring housecleaning, but taking an afternoon to organize your closet actually is one of the best ways to increase your fashion options. Why? Because what you don’t see, you can’t wear!
Organizing your closet is how you should begin transition fashion from spring to summer. Start by arranging your dresses according to how many of your arms they cover. Hang the long-sleeved ones closest to the edge of the closet – hopefully you won’t be wearing them much longer – and proceed on down the line to spaghetti straps. Then hang your skirts, jackets, shirts, and tops according to color. All of a sudden it strikes you: if you pair that scoop-neck sleeveless black dress with that blush pink knit jacket you’re got a “new” late-spring outfit!
Hang your pants and jeans by color, too. And don’t forget to have at least one hanger for your scarves and another for your belts so you can see them at a glance.
9. Check Out Fashion Trends

Flipping through fashion magazines or scanning through fashion blogs are great ways to get inspiration for new trendy fashion from spring to summer. Just because you’re not going to rush out and buy all the trending fashions doesn’t mean you won’t get good ideas for new ways to put together the pieces you already have.
8. Lighten Up Your Outerwear

Summer means long sunny days, so when you’re transitioning fashion from spring to summer, wearing lighter-colored jackets, boleros, and sweaters will give you a more summery feel while still keeping you toasty on those cold spring mornings and evenings. Cardigans have made a huge comeback in recent years and wearing a white one over a sleeveless dress or top both lightens and brightens. Another advantage of cardigans is that they can be worn opened or buttoned, making them amenable to bright-colored belts that also add a summery feel.
Vests are also great for late spring. Worn over long-sleeved dresses or tops, vests keep you warm while giving you a sense of freedom and a needed break from heavy coats. Shrugs are another good outerwear option.
Lightening up applies to weight as well as color. So when only a coat will do during a late spring cold snap, consider a shorter light-weight jacket. And denim jackets are always your springtime BFFs when it comes to casual outerwear.
7. Change Your Shoes

Just because we’re not supposed to wear white shoes until Memorial Day doesn’t mean we have to wait until the end of May to wear shoes that are partially white. Lighter-colored flats and loafers are also great springtime choices, especially when they have peak-a-boo cutouts.
6. Use Basic Colors

Nothing works better than solid-color skirts, pants, and t-shirts. This is best for mixing and coordinating when transitioning from one season to the next. Lighter shades of neutral colors such as blacks, browns, blues, and greens are great year-round fashions. This is because they combine with other solids just as easily as with prints and florals. But when you’re feeling brave, go for it in a pair of patterned or figured pedal pushers or capri pants.
5. Bring Out Your Dresses and Shorts

Don’t be afraid to wear short-sleeved or sleeveless summery dresses before it’s officially summer. Pairing them with a solid-color jacket or sweater will prevent your looking like you’re jumping the season. Likewise, wearing shorts with long-sleeved shirts and tops will keep your arms warm while your legs enjoy those delightful beginning-of-the-season warm afternoons.
4. Dress in Layers

Layers are always fashionable, but they’re practically a necessity in late spring. After all, you don’t want to pay for your spring fashion fever with a nasty cold or virus! Try a pair of beige or white jeans or leggings underneath your shorter skirts and dresses.
Use layers to your advantage. Wear things you can easily take off and stash in your oversized purse or tote if and when the need arises.
3. Think Fabrics

Push the wools and gabardines to the back of your closet and hang the cottons, jerseys, and knits where you’ll see them most easily. There’s nothing like a soft, swingy, flouncy dress or skirt to proclaim the approach of summer.
2. Lighten Your Makeup and Nails

Since you’re starting to wear lighter colors and fabrics, be sure to lighten your makeup accordingly. Choose lighter shades of foundation, blush, eye shadow and lipstick. You’ll also probably want to apply your makeup with a lighter hand as summer approaches since heavy makeup can get rather messy as the temperature rises and you begin to perspire. Don’t forget that lightening up for summer also includes your nail colors and your fragrances.
1. Summer-ize Your Accessories

Summer-izing your accessories is the quickest and easiest way to transition from spring to summer. Cut-out cuff bracelets are a great idea and printed scarves and soft, flowing vests.
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Switch out your trusty black carryall for lighter-colored bags, totes, and satchels. Buckle colorful belts around your dresses, skirts, pants, or jackets for a fresh springtime look. And don’t forget that a wide-brimmed hat says summer like nothing else.