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10 Amazing New Year Food Traditions to Prepare

By Editorial Staff

New Year’s brings the opportunity to make resolutions, wipe the slate clean and start a new life. In addition to setting goals and making plans, however, there are New Year’s food traditions associated with this celebration. In particular, certain New Year’s food is believed to increase your chances of good luck in the future and forgetting past mistakes.

Try one or more of these top ten New Year’s food traditions to serve friends and family over the holiday.

10. Black-eyed peas

New Year's Food tradition you need to consider
The small, seed-like appearance of these peas symbolizes money coins which represent riches and fortune for the New Year.

9. Grapes

New Year's Food to prepare
It is traditional to eat a dozen grapes during New Year’s – one for each month of the year. Fruits are healthy and make a perfect and healthy New Year’s food tradition.

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8. Pork

food this new year 2024
Pork is rumored to be a good-luck charm for the new year as pigs tend to move forward when they eat. In contrast, other animals such as chickens tend to move backward while eating and grazing and thus should be avoided.

7. Fish

New Year's Food this year-end 2021
Fish are believed to bring good fortune in the New Year as these water dwellers move forward in their environments, symbolic of moving forward in life.

6. Greens

good food this new year
Another traditional New Year’s food is the Greens, including collards, kale, chard, and spinach, which represent good financial luck for the new year as the folds and creases of leafy greens bear resemblance to dollar bills.

5. Cakes and desserts

New Year's food traditions to have
Yes, you can eat dessert in the New Year! The cake is a traditional New Year’s food in several countries and includes sugar cakes in China, apple fritters in the Netherlands, and baklava in Turkey.

4. Lentils

Some traditionalists indicate that lentils and other legumes such as beans are good luck because they bear a striking resemblance to money coins.

3. Porridge

New Year's food traditions
Moreover, porridge filled with nuts and dried fruit is a traditional Chinese food eaten at New Year’s. This breakfast favorite represents good fortune in Buddhist traditions.

2. Ham

Also, the ham is also considered as a traditional New Year’s Food which is often served with New Year’s dinner in place of chicken or turkey which is favored for Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. As with pork, ham represents moving forward in life since pigs tend to root forward during feeding practices.

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1. Bread

New Year's food
Finally, the popular New Year’s Food is bread. The Greeks celebrate New Year’s with a specially-name bread, Vasilopita that is served at midnight. This bread is baked with a special charm or coin inside that is believed to bring good luck to whoever finds it.


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