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Christmas party ideas

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Gather your friends and family for original Christmas fun

Gather your friends and family for original Christmas fun

Attending Christmas parties is always one of the highlights of the holiday season, but throwing one can be a daunting task. Coming up with Christmas party ideas is not always easy, but once you start you will realize just how much fun planning a Christmas party can be.

One of the first Christmas party ideas you will have to decide on is if you are going to have a theme for your party, and if so, what will it be? A fun and festive theme will add life to your gathering and will ensure that your guests have a great time.

One popular theme is a Color Party. Pick a festive color like red or gold and ask your guests to dress in that color. Serve food and drinks that match and decorate your home the same way. If only one color seems too difficult to incorporate, try using the traditional colors of red, green and white.

Another fun idea is a karaoke Christmas party theme. Rent a karaoke machine and have your guests sing Christmas carols. Hand out a prize for the best and worst singers.

Girls Only can be a great theme for a holiday gathering. Mothers, daughters, sisters and friends can get together for a day of shopping. Afterwards, go to one house and have a great time eating treats you have made, sipping cider and wrapping the gifts you have purchased.

Another great way to celebrate the holidays is to throw a Christmas Around the World theme party. Ask each of your guests to research how another country or culture celebrates the holidays and share what they discover with the others. Everyone can bring a holiday dish or drink from another part of the world, or share a tradition from their own culture.

Christmas party ideas can be based on the food you serve at your party. You can throw an appetizer party and have each guest bring a starter dish for everyone to sample. You can also throw a traditional Christmas dinner party complete with the turkey and all the trimmings. This kind of party can be a lot of work so ask your guests to chip in and bring a dish. You could also host a dessert party and ask everyone to bring their favorite holiday treat. A simple potluck dinner is another way to include your guests in the party preparations and make sure that your table is set with delicious and diverse holiday food. ~Co-hosting is an exciting way to throw a Christmas party. Go to one house for appetizers and cocktails, another for soup and salad. The main course and side dishes can be served at another home as can dessert, tea and coffee. Last can be the home that serves after dinner drinks, fruit and cheese. Make sure you have designated drivers or taxis ready if you are going to serve alcohol.

Christmas party ideas can include any activity that you think your guests would enjoy. How about a Christmas movie party? Gather your friends together and watch holiday movies like “Scrooged”, “The Night Before Christmas” or “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Serve cider, eggnog, shortbread and other festive treats.

A nice way to celebrate the holidays would be to gather your friends and family together and spend the day volunteering at a local soup kitchen or food bank. Giving is what the holidays are all about, and helping others is sure to put a smile on everyone’s face. Another way to give to others is to forego the party gift exchange and have everyone bring a donation for a local charity, or a toy for a toy drive. Generosity is a wonderful way to celebrate.

Other great Christmas party ideas include skating and tobogganing parties. Finishing with a hot toddy or cider will add a festive air to the activities.

No matter what kind of Christmas party you throw, ambience is of the utmost importance. Put on some Christmas music, light candles and serve traditional treats like eggnog and shortbread to put your guests in the holiday mood. After all, Christmas only comes around once a year ? enjoy it!Co-hosting is an exciting way to throw a Christmas party. Go to one house for appetizers and cocktails, another for soup and salad. The main course and side dishes can be served at another home as can dessert, tea and coffee. Last can be the home that serves after dinner drinks, fruit and cheese. Make sure you have designated drivers or taxis ready if you are going to serve alcohol.

Christmas party ideas can include any activity that you think your guests would enjoy. How about a Christmas movie party? Gather your friends together and watch holiday movies like “Scrooged”, “The Night Before Christmas” or “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Serve cider, eggnog, shortbread and other festive treats.

A nice way to celebrate the holidays would be to gather your friends and family together and spend the day volunteering at a local soup kitchen or food bank. Giving is what the holidays are all about, and helping others is sure to put a smile on everyone’s face. Another way to give to others is to forego the party gift exchange and have everyone bring a donation for a local charity, or a toy for a toy drive. Generosity is a wonderful way to celebrate.

Other great Christmas party ideas include skating and tobogganing parties. Finishing with a hot toddy or cider will add a festive air to the activities.

No matter what kind of Christmas party you throw, ambience is of the utmost importance. Put on some Christmas music, light candles and serve traditional treats like eggnog and shortbread to put your guests in the holiday mood. After all, Christmas only comes around once a year – enjoy it!


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