Doubleday Large Print™ brings you the fiction and nonfiction you want to read in quality, Club Edition large print books.
Of all the large print book clubs, only the Doubleday Large Print™ book club brings you the hottest titles in large print fiction and nonfiction month after month.
Club members save big on everything from a spine-tingling large print mystery or science fiction book to large print romantic suspense, fantasy, and history.~ Choose from New York Times best sellers, the newest releases in fiction and nonfiction, or time tested classics. They’ve gathered the very best to bring you month after month of exceptional large print mysteries, life-changing spiritual guides, and extraordinary fiction.
For many who need books in large print, book clubs have either meant type too small to read comfortably, or a limited selection of titles. But at Doubleday Large Print™ large print is all they do. Every single title, from easy to read cookbooks and how-to guides to large print mysteries, is set in type that makes reading a joy again.
Start your membership today, and you’ll find a world of wonderful reading in your mailbox, all in large print. Romantic novels, suspense, nonfiction guides, action and adventure – the books you want, the type size you need, the prices and service you’ll love.
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