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Writing education on a r?sum?

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Make sure what you have learned is magnified properly.

Make sure what you have learned is magnified properly.

With the economy in turmoil and corporations making mass layoffs, the job search arena has gotten tougher.  Many prospective employees find themselves searching for positions not in line with their professional background or are being forced to switch careers. With competition harder and career veterans now pitted against college graduates even more; your resume has got to sing wonderfully like a soprano in a fabulous opera.

Beyond the career listings, employers are looking at what type of education and training you can bring to the position. So the question then becomes how does writing education on a resume help? Resume writers agree that you should spend more in depth and detailed description time in the work or career experience area.  From there, professional resume writing services say the next section should focus on two things: education and/or specialized training.

Some people may choose to list them together. A good determining factor when it comes to deciding if the two areas can be combined or left independently is the importance of the training to the industry you are applying. For example, if you are applying for a Marketing Management position and you have attended training sessions with known industry sources and excelled in them – list those separately. If training is going to put extra feathers in your cap, list them separately. If you are changing careers and the training does not correspond you probably do not want to list it at all. The same applies to certification. If certification was received in the area of industry for which you are applying list it on your resume.  

From a technical standpoint, the consensus is to go with one of two manners of listing. Manner one is to list your education, not high school, in reverse chronological order. Manner two is to list your education in order of importance. For example, list Doctorates first, then Masters, etc. What about writing education on a resume if you did not receive a degree or any certificate of completion or certification from a trade or vocational school? Believe it or not, it is probably best not to mention it. If you did not receive a degree or certificate from an organization, it just is not necessary to mention your education at that particular institution, unless the education you did receive is related to your career objective.

Also in listing the information on a professional resume remember to include the degree or certificate that you earned and be sure to set degrees apart so that they are easily seen, point out your major and minor areas, list the full name of the institution while you may know that UF means University of Florida, the school should still be listed completely; plus you do not want to run the risk of interviewing with an alumni of the University of Finland whose school initials are also UF. 

Also, be sure to list the date you received your degree or the date you anticipate receiving your degree. You may want to omit the date you received your degree if you are worried about discrimination based on this information. You may also want to include your grade point average, honors, awards, certifications, and scholarships especially if you are a new graduate and if you d id not mention them anywhere else on your resume.

Some resume writers suggest that you put in bold face any key points in your education area that will be most impressive. An important integral lesson to practice in listing education on your resume is do not lie, be absolutely accurate in providing your education. After numerous headlines and grabbing stories of top managers and chief executive officers who lied about or faked degrees; head hunters and human resource directors will verify your information. 


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