Top 10 Ways to Stay Home -
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Top 10 Ways to Stay Home

By Editorial Staff

stay homeContributed by Info Guru Terri Wallace

Every now and then it happens … there is a deluge of rain, a thick coating of ice, or a well-timed and much needed “sick day” (cough, cough).

Yes, every now and then, you get a day off—a day to stay home, to relax, and to reap the rewards of a day at home.

10. Movie Marathon

harry potter

When faced with a blank block of time, you can always engage in the Great American Pastime … television! Curl up on the sofa with your coziest blanket and a stack of movies. Whether you want to relive your childhood fears with the entire Halloween movie franchise, or you prefer the magical world of Harry Potter, there is nothing like a movie marathon, complete with popcorn and candy, to while away an afternoon at home.

9. Reading


Many bibliophiles assert that “the book was better than the movie.” Put the theory to the test and actually read the book. There is nothing like spending a day at home transporting yourself to another world with the turn of a page. See for yourself why J. K. Rowling made the world want to believe in magic … or take your chances with The Hunger Games. Who knows, the odds may be “ever in your favor” and you just might end up with a new favorite book.

8. Baking


A day at home is the perfect time to dig out your auntie’s recipe for homemade cinnamon rolls. You can work out all of your aggression as your knead the dough smooth. The sweet, spicy smell of cinnamon and vanilla fills the house, and your anticipation mounts as you swirl the (vegan) cream cheese icing across the steaming pastry. Children who normally avoid the kitchen for fear of being put to work washing dishes will emerge from their rooms and gawk at the strange sight of their mother cooking something that didn’t come from a box. Let them stare … it will give you a few extra seconds to grab another roll before the vultures descend.

7. Surfing the ‘Net

Surfing the ‘Net

Sure, you spend time on the computer nearly every day. But be honest, how often do you get to spend time on the computer without one of your kids begging for a turn? And when was the last time you were able to peruse the Hollywood gossip without having to quickly minimize the screen as your boss walked past? A day at home is the perfect opportunity to catch up on all those blogs you follow, and spend some much needed time with all 6,423 of your dearest Facebook friends.

6. Crafting


Dig out those scrapbook supplies. Unearth your origami. Pull out your knitting needles and a fun skein of yarn. A day at home can be a rare opportunity to spend some time with those hobbies that get buried under the piles of homework and bills and junk mail.

5. Sleep


No one ever seems to get enough of it, so a day at home should include some of this rare commodity—sleep! Pull the blinds, turn off the ringer, slip on a dream mask to block out distractions and slide between the blankets to catch up on some snooze.

4. YouTube


It seems that, somehow, certain activities defy the laws of time. One such activity is YouTube. You only intend to look at one song, just one video … but, before you know it, four hours has somehow slipped away like wind through your fingers. When you have a day at home with no obligations and the call of YouTube beckons, you can afford to spend some guilt-free time with your favorite talking cat, or a particularly eloquent toddler.

3. Organize


When the piles of junk mail and mismatched socks start to ruin your day off, you can always take some time to do all those organizational chores that you never seem to have the time to do. Sort through clothing and find items that you can donate to your favorite charity. (This is also a good way to purge yourself of any guilt you may have for calling in sick in order to watch the entire season of Game of Thrones).

2. Board Games

Board Games

Break out the board games and make your own Family Fun Night. A day at home doesn’t have to involve fancy electronics or expensive downloads. A few classic board games and a bowl of popcorn can be a relaxing way to spend time at home.

1. Rock Out

Rock Out

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Remember how you used to spend hours locked in your bedroom making mix tapes while your dad shouted at your to turn off the music and go to sleep? You made sure that the lyrics had meaning, that the transitions weren’t jarring, and that it was all oh-so-symbolic. Grab your iPod and download that song you listened to when you were seventeen and dating that boy your mom warned you about. Track down that rare B-side. Crank it up, and tap into your inner rock star.


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