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Top 10 Toffee Candy Recipes

By Editorial Staff

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One of the top ten toffee candy recipesContributed by Jennifer Andrews, Top 10 Guru

Toffee candy is a traditional favourite with the very young to the older generations.

Toffee imparts a sweet flavour with a hard crunch that is fun to eat and delicious to taste. Typically made with butter and sugar, there are many variations on making toffee candy to add variety to your candy-making skills.

Try one of these top ten toffee candy recipes to delight your family and friends with a sweet dessert.

10. Chocolate chip toffee

One of the top ten toffee candy recipes

Try adding chocolate-chips to a toffee recipe such as the Terrific Toffee Recipe featured in Taste of This recipes also calls for a cup each of butter and sugar, two cups of chocolate-chips and chopped nuts and a few tablespoons of water.

9. Hazelnut toffee

One of the top ten toffee candy recipes

Use a cup of chopped hazelnuts in place of almonds or another nut in a traditional toffee recipe. Top the base with melted chocolate-chips and hazelnuts for a sweet finish such as this Hazelnut Toffee Recipe.

8. English toffee

One of the top ten toffee candy recipes

English toffee is more than just another coffee or cappuccino flavour. Rather, prepare a simple English toffee candy recipe for your family by using chocolate bars, semi-sweet or dark chocolate chips.

7. Mocha white chocolate toffee

One of the top ten toffee candy recipes

Take toffee to the next level by melting white chocolate with coffee and combining with crushed nuts and regular toffee pieces. The Food Network provides a variation of a Mocha White Chocolate with Chocolate-Covered Toffee.

6. Buttercrunch toffee

One of the top ten toffee candy recipes

Try a variation on traditional toffee recipes by using brown sugar instead of white, sliced almonds and light corn syrup such as JoyofBaking’s toffee recipe.

5. Peanut butter and toffee candy

One of the top ten toffee candy recipes

Try a toffee recipe that requires no regular butter or sugar such as a Peanut Butter and Toffee variation from AllRecipes. This recipe uses peanut butter, roasted peanut and a whole lot of chocolate pieces to jazz up you dessert tray!

4. Graham cracker toffee

One of the top ten toffee candy recipes

Use graham crackers as a base for your next toffee recipe. Simply melt butter, sugar and chocolate in a pot and pour over graham crackers in a baking dish such as in the recipe at

3. Peanut brittle toffee

One of the top ten toffee candy recipes

Peanut brittle is essentially the same as most toffee recipes as it is a crunchy and sweet treat made with similar ingredients. The Swiss Colony offers a jalapeno peanut brittle for a spicy kick to your recipe!

2. Salted toffee

One of the top ten toffee candy recipes

Add a touch of salt to your toffee recipe for a sweet and salty combination that will have your friends asking for more. Try this Fleur De Sel recipe variation for your next party or get-together.

1. Pistachio toffee

One of the top ten toffee candy recipes

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Alternating different types of slivered or chopped nuts to your toffee recipe can keep the variations fun and endless. Pistachios add a unique twist to toffee that is also paired with chocolate and salt.


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