Top 10 Reasons Tall is Good
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Top 10 Reasons Tall is Good

By Editorial Staff

A list of the top ten reasons tall is goodContributed by Cindi Pearce, Top 10 Guru

There are lots of reasons why being tall is good.

In fact, being tall is probably far more advantageous than being short.

Sometimes girls, in particular, are self-conscious if they get too tall too fast and hover over the rest of their classmates, but in the future they will be glad they have that extra height.

The top 10 reasons that tall is good are:

10. Look good pregnant

A list of the top ten reasons tall is good

Taller women seem to look better when pregnant than do their shorter counterparts that don’t have much room for accommodating their bundle of joy.

9. Hide hair loss

A list of the top ten reasons tall is good

People won’t be able to see the bald spot on the top of your head. This bodes very well for anyone who is suffering from hair loss and would prefer that everyone not know it.

8. Reach things

A list of the top ten reasons tall is good

You can reach the upper shelf. You don’t require a step ladder. You can be helpful to the half pints in the world and there are a lot of us. We appreciate your stature. You aren’t required to buy one of those grabber things that short people need when they’re trying to get that cake pan on the top shelf.

7. Luck in love

A list of the top ten reasons tall is good

Women tend to like tall men so it may be easier to get a date (and a future wife) if you are a tall man. You know, tall (not short), dark and handsome. Lots of men like tall women and don’t mind looking up when it comes time for that good-night kiss. Tall women are very striking and noticeable. They appear powerful as do tall men.

6. Seeing over people

A list of the top ten reasons tall is good

You can see over the heads of other people. This is really good if you are in the back row at a concert or in a church pew trying to see the bride and groom or at the movies. You can see what’s going on whereas the other people can only guess.

5. Get attention

A list of the top ten reasons tall is good

You do stand out in a crowd, which is good as long as you’re not on the lam from the law. It’s kind of hard not to see or notice a statuesque person.

4. Model potential

A list of the top ten reasons tall is good

You can become a fashion model. Clothes are going to look very good on you, damn you. Heidi Klum stands five-feet, nine inches.

3. Make money in sports

A list of the top ten reasons tall is good

You can join the NBA and get rich and famous (if you are athletic and can play ball.) Of course, there are a few height-challenged players but most of the ones who become super successes are nearly as tall as trees.

2. Get on the rides

One of the top ten reasons tall is good

You don’t have to worry about being too short to ride the rides at an amusement park. That’s a real bummer after standing in line for two hours in blistering heat only to find out that you’re not tall enough to get on the ride. This mostly applies to children but there are some very short adults as well.

1. Earning potential

A list of the top ten reasons tall is good

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Being tall may make you wealthier. Statistically, the average CEO is just a tad under six feet tall even though the average American man is five feet nines inches in height. More than half of the CEOs in America stand over six feet tall although only 14.5 percent of American men are more than six feet tall. According to Daniel Cable, a business professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, being taller earns you more money. Each inch of height earns you $789 more in pay. That means the guy, who is 6 feet tall is going to earn $5,525 more every year than the guy, who is five and-one-half-feet tall.


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