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Top 10 Landscape Gardening Tips: Your Ultimate Guide to Gardening

By Editorial Staff

Contributed by Info Guru Jenna Scaglione

How to do the Best Landscape Gardening Like a Pro

Spring and summer are upon us and gardening are in full form! This is the season to rev up your landscape gardening skills and prepare it for the fun and enjoyment of the warm summer months.

Are you looking for a few tips to beautify your landscape? Are you happy with your existing garden foliage? If you feel something is missing, you are not alone. Gardening and landscaping are difficult for most people, especially for the beginning novice.

Help is on the way! Here are some top landscape gardening tips:

10. Create Depth

Landscape Gardening

A painter applies several layers of color to add depth and realism to a painting, and landscaping follows the same idea. To add more depth to your yard, form a border of taller trees along the outside perimeter of your property and plant smaller trees and flowering shrubs toward the front of the yard.

9. Winter Garden Landscape Gardening

Though you cater to your garden in the warmer months, there is no reason why your landscape cannot look fabulous in the winter. Plant evergreen shrubs, annuals, and interesting features such as trellises, fences, and water fountains to add creativity to a gray, lifeless winter yard.

8. Windows

Landscape Gardening

When planting shrubs, most people forget about windows until the plants are overgrown and maintenance is a nightmare. Prepare for the worst by planting lower-growing foliage directly under windows.

7. Hide the Mess

Most yards are full of eyesores like garbage cans and concrete slabs. A wall of evergreens and shrubs or elements combining vines, a white picket fence, or a water feature hides unwanted scenery nicely.

6. Solar Energy Landscape Gardening

Landscape Gardening

Gardeners are saving the planet and “going green” with their landscape design. Take advantage of the free energy from the sun and save money on your monthly energy costs by using solar lighting in your landscape. Solar garden lights are a low-cost alternative to energy-sucking traditional lights and they are used to illuminate many different areas of the garden.

5. Balance

Landscape Gardening

Too many plants can result in a lack of style and a cluttered mess. But too few plants may reveal too much of a home’s foundation and look sparse. Start slow and add plants as you see fit. You will find the right balance with some practice.

4. Proper Planning for Landscape Gardening

Landscape Gardening

Proper planning will prevent future debacles. Will there be more little additions to the family? A dog? Think about the next 5-10 years and plan your garden around your needs. Kids will require a playground area to play freely, and dogs will need a grassy area in which to run.

3. Raised Planters

Raised planters are the perfect option for people who have soil problems or limited space. Use a well-drained soil mix and surround it with stylish wood planks or a brick wall. For small areas, consider window planters, container gardens, or hanging boxes to fit porches and patios.

2. Proximity Landscape Gardening

Give plants room to grow! They will mature and spread their wings over time. It is a common mistake to plant shrubs too close when they are young. Consider their future size when spacing them apart.

1. Hire a Professional

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If you are shaking your head in disdain, it may be time to hire a professional landscaper. Landscapers have years of experience and they will be able to design your yard as you please without requiring you to lift a finger.


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