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Top 10 Good Work Out Plan Tips

By Editorial Staff

One of the top ten good workout plan tipsContributed by Jennifer Andrews, Top 10 Guru

Exercise is essential for a healthy body and mind and aids in improving heart health, toning muscles and reducing stress levels.

Unfortunately, many people fail to achieve adequate physical activity amounts in their lives due to time constraints, commitments and fatigue. Poor planning is also another significant reason most people are unable to commit or follow through with a workout plan.

Follow the top ten good workout plan tips below to increase your motivation to work out and achieve health and happiness.

10. Schedule it

Personal planner

Schedule your workout in your day planner just like you would for a meeting or another appointment. This increases the chances you will stick to it and not forget or change your mind last-minute.

9. Pack a bag

One of the top ten good workout plan tips

Pack a backpack or gym bag the night before you plan to go to the gym. You can keep the bag in your car or at your work desk so you can drive to the gym after work instead of straight home.

8. Workout clothes

One of the top ten good workout plan tips

When planning a workout, it is important you have the right type of clothing to wear. A visit to the gym may require shorts and a tank top, but if you are running outside on a cold day you will need warmer workout clothing such as pullovers, tights, a jacket and gloves.

7. Workout buddy

One of the top ten good workout plan tips

Enlist the support of a friend or family member to work out with you. A friend can remind you of scheduled workouts and encourage you on days when your motivation is down.

6. Write it down

One of the top ten good workout plan tips

Plan your workout by writing down the order, types and duration of activities in advance. This will keep you focused and efficient in the gym instead of wasting time or wondering what to do next.

5. Structure

One of the top ten good workout plan tips

A good workout plan should have structure to help you achieve your best shape and fitness level. Divide workouts up into strength-training and cardio days so you can work on building your muscles and increasing your endurance equally.

4. Set a goal

One of the top ten good workout plan tips

Setting a goal first helps you determine how to plan and organize your workouts. If your goal is to run a 10k race, then you should plan most of your workouts around running a few times a week with cross-training, stretching and some strength sessions as well.

3. Research

One of the top ten good workout plan tips

Research workout plans online, in books and also by asking friends or fitness professionals for help. This can help you determine what type of plan is most appropriate for your goals and fitness level.

2. Plan B

One of the top ten good workout plan tips

Always have a plan-B or back-up plan for your original workout plan. If you planned to run on the treadmill at the gym but they are all in use, then swap it out for time spent on the bike instead and fit in a run later that week.

1. Fuel properly

One of the top ten good workout plan tips

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Nutrition and physical activity are both key components in helping you achieve a healthy body and mind. It’s important to fuel properly both before and after your workout by eating a small healthy snack that will give you a boost of energy such as low-fat yogurt with fruit.


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