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Top 10 Casual Friday Looks for Men

By Editorial Staff

A list of the top ten casual friday looks for menContributed by Dave Buesing, Top 10 Guru

Casual Friday has a lot going for it: the weekend’s right around the corner, you get to dress comfortably… the weekend’s right around the corner. It’s definitely the best day of the workweek.

But like many good things that confuse guys (see: women, directions, and the appeal of veggie burgers), casual Friday can cause some headaches. After all, how casual is too casual? The answer will depend on the corporate culture of your particular office, but once you have an idea you’ll still want options. That cute coworker with a desk next to yours isn’t going to be impressed by the same outfit every Friday. You’ll need to spice it up.

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Here are the top 10 casual Friday looks for men:

10. Multi-layered sweater combo

One of the top ten casual friday looks for men

This is a safe and classy option for any guy. You wear a nice collared button down and then pull a stylish v-neck sweater over the top. It’s a great look for the colder seasons, and will keep you nice and snug even when the office heater breaks and your fellow employees are considering cuddling together for warmth.

9. Jeans

A list of the top ten casual friday looks for men

This is, without a doubt, the look most synonymous with Casual Friday, but pulling it off isn’t as clear cut as you may think. First of all, you have to make darn sure jeans are ok in the office. If you work for a big corporation, they will likely have a clearly defined dress code through HR – check this first. From there you’ve got a couple decisions: new, clean-cut men’s jeans, or the faded pair you’ve worn since time immemorial? It all depends on the office – and your willingness to stay employed.

8. Hard working casual


Unless you work in a Kevin Smith movie or are self-employed, a t-shirt is probably too casual. The next step up the professional chain should get you to a comfortable polo. Throw in an elegant man’s Rolex, and you’ve nailed the casual-but-I-work-hard look. Plus, this way you can go hit the links straight from work and kick off your weekend the right way.

7. Gym shoes

A list of the top ten casual friday looks for men

Again, this won’t fly at every office, but if you can get out of wearing your old man wingtips, I highly recommend it. Be careful you don’t take advantage of the casual atmosphere with shoes that are too beat up (lawn mowing stains might cross a line), but your feet deserve a weekend boost as well. Feel free to make a few extra trips to the kitchen now that your quality sneakers have you in prime walking condition.

6. Hungover/Exhausted

A list of the top ten casual friday looks for men

This look will only find a home on casual Friday. I’m not saying it’s a good idea to shoot for this look (rumor has it most ladies find the near-death fashion unappealing), but it’s the one day you’ll be able to get away with it. And since everybody knows Thursday is the new Friday, it’s possible your boss understands. Maybe.

5. The Hawaiian shirt

A list of the top ten casual friday looks for men

I don’t know if this actually happens anywhere outside of television, but a Hawaiian camp shirt has to be the ultimate casual look for men. It’s breezy, it’s comfortable, and it’s something you should really only wear alone in a home without mirrors. Really it’s everything casual Friday was meant to be.

4. Crazy ties

A list of the top ten casual friday looks for men

If you’re a grown adult with a fancy job, there’s a good chance you’ll still have to wear a professional men’s suit, even though it’s Friday. Whine to your bosses all you like about the need for casual work wear, but they’ll still be more focused on business meetings and TPS reports. That’s fine. Make your own casual Friday with a fun tie that shows off your personality. Something that says, “Damn straight I like Scooby Doo. How ‘bout you?”

3. Shorts

A list of the top ten casual friday looks for men

The idea of casual business shorts excites me way more than it reasonably should. Letting your legs breathe in the office… exposing your rugged calves to the world… I’m getting worked up just thinking about it. If somehow you discover that this is acceptable in your office, embrace the shorts and don’t let go. Don’t ever let go.

2. Button down shirt

A list of the top ten casual friday looks for men

Much like jeans, there are levels of casual to the button down shirt. For a more professional look, stay with the long sleeve collared button down and snap those buttons all the way to the chin. For a way more casual approach, go with a short sleeve option and show off some chest hair with a few loose buttons. Because nothing says manly clothes like a peek of the pectorals.

1. Dress exactly like your boss

A list of the top ten casual friday looks for men

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This also makes a fantastic Halloween costume, but if you’re looking to spice up a random Friday, copy that boss you and your co-employees love working for. This probably goes without saying, but unless you really don’t mind doing a little job search, make sure you’ve got a boss receptive to this type of humor first.


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