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Tips from Wedding Planners

By Editorial Staff

wedding planning tipsContributed by Info Guru Terri Wallace

Wedding planners can help you take your dream day and make it a reality.

They are also experts at helping you navigate the murky waters of family, finances, and fashion as you plan your wedding. They know what they are talking about when it comes to weddings; many have studied event planning and specialized in weddings, others have interned with experienced planners. Here are some wedding planner tips to help:

10. Decide What is Important

Decide What is Important

Every bride has different ideas about what is important for their wedding day. Some brides want to feel like a princess, other brides want to include certain family members or close friends. The location of the wedding is a priority for others. Decide what things will help to memorialize your special day and communicate those things to your wedding planner so she can make sure to incorporate these key items.

9. Be Flexible

Be Flexible

Once you know what is truly important to include in your wedding day, everything left over should be things on which you can be more flexible. Perhaps it is important that you include your great grandmother’s antique veil, but you could be more flexible on the dress itself, or the venue, or the invitations. Discuss the items on which you have the most latitude, and you may find that your flexibility leads to big savings!

8. Communication is Key

Communication is Key

Don’t assume that your soon-to-be spouse, or your wedding planner, or your family intuitively knows what you want. Always communicate your needs and wishes, in writing whenever possible, and be clear about budget restrictions, time deadlines, and other expectations.

7. Keep Debt in Check

Keep Debt in Check

The cost of a wedding can escalate out of control unless you agree on a budget, and endeavor to work within those confines. If a family member is paying for your wedding, be respectful of their finances when making plans. If you and your (future) spouse are footing the bill, remember that starting married life in debt can add stress to your new union, and vow to work within a realistic budget in order minimize your marital debt.

6. Frugality Can Be Fun

Frugality Can Be Fun

One way that you can keep the budget in check is to find certain things that you or your friends and family can contribute to the wedding. For example, if your sister-in-law is a photographer she might gift you her services for your wedding photos. Or your best friend might put her calligraphy skills to good use on your invitations.

5. Plan B

Plan B

Things will go wrong. Perhaps you won’t lose those last five pounds before your big day, or maybe it will rain, or your spouse will drop the ring. Maybe the caterer will be late, or a groomsman will faint, or your sister will have too much to drink. It happens. Think about the things that are most likely to go wrong (you know how your sister loves her wine), and plan accordingly. Buy some Spanks (just in case), reserve a tent for your outdoor wedding, have someone else carry the ring. But whatever you do, create your Plan B for the likely events—and then quit obsessing!

4. There Is No “Right Way”

There Is No “Right Way”

There will be people who tell you “how things are done.” They will tell you the protocol for invitations and the rules for the reception. They pontificate about the Way of the Wedding. Ignore these people. While it is fine to preserve certain traditions, if they appeal to you, there is no “right way” to get married. Decide what works best within your time frame, financial constraints, and personal preferences. The rest is icing on the wedding cake.

3. Keep It From Being Cookie-Cutter

Keep It From Being Cookie-Cutter

Including things you and your spouse are passionate about into your wedding theme makes it unique and memorable. If you are both book lovers, perhaps your cake could be made to look like a stack of books (some of your favorites, and some of your beloved’s too, of course). For the eco-conscious, your reception could include all organic foods served on biodegradable plates.

2. No One Likes a Bridezilla

No One Likes a Bridezilla

We have all seen her…the bride that ruthlessly demands all her bridesmaids to slim down because she doesn’t want plus sized people in her wedding photos. Or the bride that shamed her father into mortgaging his home in order to pay for her honeymoon. Don’t be that bride. While everyone respects your desire to have a lovely and memorable wedding day, we respectfully draw the line when your desires starts to hurt, embarrass, or financially impair those around you.

1. Family Matters

Family Matters

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Your wedding is one day. Your marriage is (hopefully) for a lifetime. With this day, you begin creating the memories of your new life together; make those memories good ones.


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