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Best of … really high heels

By Editorial Staff

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One of the best of really high heelsContributed by Jenna Scaglione, Top 10 Guru

From sandals to stilettos, high heels are slowly becoming a fashion staple of women’s wardrobes everywhere.

Are you a high heel gal? How high can you go?

“Really high heels” can mean kitten heels to one person or 6 inch stilettos to another. High heel beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. Ready to go higher? If you want to put some more height in your step, add one more inch at a time to your highest heels. Before you know it, you will have entered the “really high heel” club.

Which high heels do you fancy? Here is a list of the best of really high heels, from sandals to stilettos and everything in between.

High Heel Sandals

Classic height

One of the best of really high heels

Who said sandals and stilettos can’t unite? Sandal lovers can show off a subtle, sexy side and dress up any outfit with a high heel sandal. If you are new to the high heel sandal world, start with a lower heel or use inserts to cushion your feet. If you are a high heel aficionado, slip your foot into a new pair today. Need some help? A high end shoe store will sell similar heels to these towering High Heel Ankle-Wrap Sandal Heels. At a 5” heel height, they may not be for the newcomer but I can guarantee you they will definitely turn a few heads.

Stiletto Platform Ankle Boot

A wardrobe staple

stiletto ankle boots

The stiletto boot combines the classic style of the boot and the sexiness of the stiletto heel. A pair of Platform Ankle Boots will boast a 4 1/2 “stiletto heel along with a 1” platform. These shoes are perfect for the fall and winter seasons and are extremely versatile. Pair them with long pants, sexy leggings or straight leg slacks or jazz up a simple knee-length dress or maxi skirt. You simply can’t go wrong with this high heel style.

High Heel Pump

A touch of corporate class

One of the best of really high heels

Transcend from day to night with these high heel pumps. Look for sexy but business-appropriate shoes for the fashionable career woman who wants to take it up a notch. These shoes can be worn with a pencil skirt and white blouse for the day and paired with a sequin caplet and gold chains to bump up the outfit to nightwear. If you aren’t ready to walk around the office in these heels, just bring them along with you and slip them on at night … we won’t tell!

8 Inch Heels

Sky high style

One of the best of really high heels

Watch out Lady Gaga, here we come! For the daring and brave only—these 8 inch heels may just be the highest heels we have ever seen. Let’s be honest, it’s not every day that we spot these babies walking down the street. We love these high-stepping heels along with many other skyscraper stilettos. They may not be for everyone, but I think I can find at least one use for them. Can anyone say calf workout?

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