Physical Problems Caused by a Bad Back
By Editorial Staff
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by Info Guru Aurora LaJambre
Chronic pain can make life difficult, not to mention the other health problems it may lead to.
That’s right. Your spine and the muscles around it play a huge role in your body’s ability to function. Aches you feel today can escalate to bigger health issues down the line.
Here are 10 physical problems caused by bad back and how you can prevent them.
10. Bad posture
You may already know that bad posture can cause lumbar problems, but did you know it goes both ways? You lumbar region is one of the hardest working parts of the body. When it’s not at 100%, major joints don’t have the support they need. Active and ergonomic desk chairs support your lower back and aid posture.
9. When did I turn 80?
Premature aging sounds like a nightmare. As if watching for wrinkles and white hairs weren’t fun enough. Add the physical problems caused by bad back to the mix and suddenly you start feeling decades older. Not standing straight makes you look older, too. Sometimes this is as much mental as physical. Stay hydrated, change into something fun and paint your nails a silly color, or whatever it takes to stop frowning – it causes wrinkles!
8. Sleep problems
Chronic pain is exhausting, and it doesn’t go away come bedtime. In addition to soreness, it’s difficult to get comfortable when you’re constantly shifting. Lack of sleep lowers the immune system making you susceptible to sickness, it also slows down metabolism and has been linked to anxiety, depression and heart disease. Memory foam pillows and leg wedges will provide the support and extra comfort needed to ease discomfort and help you rest.
7. Increases Fibromyalgia symptoms
People with Fibromyalgia report that their symptoms worsen when they experience back pain. Impairments include impaired body functions, reduced movement when walking and reduced handgrip, as well as less social support because they’re less likely to participate in activities. See your doctor for recommended treatment and stop by online forums to engage with people who share your pain.
6. Poor dresser
Okay, doctors may argue bad dressing is not a physical problem. Let’s agree to disagree with them. Because when your lumbar region hurts too much to bend over, you’re going to wind up with mismatched socks at best.
5. Hunched back
Fight your inner sloucher! Fight it or one day you’re going to look in the mirror and find a grouch with a hunched back staring at you. Among the physical problems caused by bad back, this is usually preventable. Nip the problem in the bud with a massage recliner or therapeutic chair. You know you want to!
4. Sciatica
Sciatica is pain caused by inflammation, compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve, which begins at the back and goes down the pelvis, both legs and ends at the feet. This produces a tingling or numb sensation and pain that varies from mild to severe. A slipped disc is one of the most common causes. In addition to pain relievers and treatment, hot or cold pads can help.
3. Discomfort
They say people don’t appreciate their health fully until it’s gone. The same could be said of comfort! Once an ache lasts for more than three months, it’s considered chronic. Chronic pain may be physically tolerable, but it severely impairs quality of life, not to mention your ability to sit or stand still for extended periods. Incorporate regular moderate back stretches and core exercises into your routine to better enjoy each day.
2. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
AS is a long term condition caused when areas of the spine or joints are inflamed. In addition to stiffness and swelling, inflammation can even cause some bones to fuse together. Exercise helps reduce pain while massage and physical therapy aids improve the spine’s flexibility.
1. Weight gain
Obesity is one of the primary causes of back pain. Unfortunately, a bad back only compounds a weight problem. Those suffering chronic pain are less active, less likely to buy and cook healthy meals and have a slower metabolism. Even if obesity isn’t the source of the pain, it exasperates it, throws off alignment and makes it harder to sit and stand up straight, increasing the burden on lumbar muscles. Stop the cycle. Reducing weight through exercise and healthy eating will make a huge difference with both issues.