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How to make an Easter basket

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

It is simple to learn how to make an Easter basket that is perfect for anyone

It is simple to learn how to make an Easter basket that is perfect for anyone

On Easter morning, you want your little one (or your grown up loved one) to be filled with delight at the sight of a basket oozing spring wonders meant just for them. Whether you declare this offering to be a gift from the Easter Bunny or one from your heart, keeping in mind your audience is key to creating the perfect Easter basket.

The Basics

Every good basket starts with a few essential elements. First, the basket itself, which can be one of the brightly colored plastic kinds found at most retail outlets this time of year, a pretty woven basket made from natural materials, or some combination of the two (think a pastel-painted basket made of wood and sea grass). 

Next, you will need some sort of ?grass.? Go to any retail store, drug store, or even grocery store in March and you’ll see shelves stocked with bags of shredded plastic and paper in every color of the rainbow labeled, ?Easter grass.? You can get some of that, or you can look for alternatives based on the theme of your basket.  

The third element of a well-stocked Easter basket is the goodies. These can be anything from traditional Easter candy to toys to hard boiled colored eggs, and any combination thereof.  

Make it Age Appropriate

For toddlers, make sure any toys or candy you include aren’t small enough to pose a choking hazard. You can also include soft-sided baby books, bottles of bubbles (which you can help them with outside), sandbox toys, and natural treats like homemade cookies or dried apple rings in place of heavily sugar-laden candies. 


If you’re putting together a basket for a grade-school child, you can go all out traditional with big chocolate bunnies, Peeps, stuffed animals (bunnies, lambs, and chicks are popular choices for Easter), and summer toys like jump ropes and sets of jacks or sidewalk chalk.  

Teenagers might feel they’re too old to believe in the Easter bunny, but that doesn’t mean they don’t still like getting presents basket-style. Consider filling their pretty parcels with accessories for their high-tech devices ? a new set of ear buds, a new case for their iPhone, perhaps a gift card for iTunes. Sunglasses and gift cards to their favorite clothing outlet for some new spring clothes would also be in order. And remember, everyone loves candy. Especially teenagers.

For an adult recipient, consider making your gifts a bit more sophisticated. Include a bottle of some regional spring wine, perhaps, or some fine salted caramels in place of the standard Peeps and Robin’s Eggs.

Go With a Theme

Picking a theme you think will fit your recipient’s personality will make this basket extra special. You can start with a color theme, if they happen to have a favorite color. You can also attempt to assemble a basket based on their hobbies or interests. New golf balls and tees for a golf enthusiast; brightly colored fishing lures for an avid fisherman (or woman); seeds and a new pair of gardening gloves for your little gardener.  

You can create an eco-friendly basket by choosing a hand-woven basket made of natural materials filled with repurposed shredded paper (shredding brown paper grocery sacks or newspaper work well for this) instead of that non-biodegradable plastic stuff. Fill this basket with tree seedlings for planting, locally sourced spring flowers, and fair trade chocolates.

A beach theme is a great one for kids. You can include snorkel masks, sand toys, and sunscreen  along with seashells and even a new swimsuit.  

For a traditionalist home-spun look, include eggs you and yours have colored yourselves; homemade cookies in the shapes of bunnies, eggs, and chicks; or rustic carrot muffins. If you’re crafty, there are all kinds of things you can make to tuck in as gifts from the Easter bunny.  


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