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High temperature symptoms

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

High temperature symptoms should be carefully observed

High temperature symptoms should be carefully observed

There is nothing scarier for a parent than when their child suddenly develops an extremely high fever. A person has a fever when his temperature rises above the normal range which is 98.6 F.

When a fever strikes, high temperature symptoms may include sweating, shivering, experiencing dehydration, muscles pains, all over weakness, lack of appetite and a headache. At the first symptoms of fever, the best action is to use a highly accurate digital thermometer to check and then monitor the patients temperature.

When a temperature is extremely high ? between 103 F and 106F ? this can cause confusion, convulsions, hallucinations and irritability.

A person?s temperature will vary throughout the day depending on various factors including intense exercise or a menstrual period. Body temperature will be the highest in the late afternoon and evening and lowest in the morning.

When a person has a fever this can be the result of many things, including a bacterial infection, a virus, inflammatory conditions, getting immunizations, a malignant tumor, medications (such as seizure- or high blood pressure medicines), extreme sunburn or heat exhaustion.

Sometimes a fever isn?t anything to worry about, but other times a fever can indicate a serious health threat. A parent has got to learn to figure out the difference. A high temperature can become a very serious matter, leading to hallucinations, serious and dehydration.

Seizures that are caused by the fever are called febrile seizures. This sometimes occurs in children in the six month to five year old age group. When a febrile seizure occurs the child loses consciousnesses and starts shaking. Usually this type of seizure does not have any lasting effect on the child. If your child should have a seizure, put her on her side or stomach on the ground or on the floor.

Remove any sharp objects that are in the vicinity and loosen the child?s clothing. Hold your child so that he isn?t injured during the seizure. Do not put anything into her mouth or try to stop the seizure. It will stop on its own. When it ceases, take the child to the doctor or nearest emergency room.

If the seizure lasts for more than 10 minutes, call 911. If an infant or child has an unexplained fever this is of concern. The child?s doctor should be contact if he has a fever of 101 F or higher, according to The Mayo Clinic. If a baby is younger than three months old and has a fever, contact your doctor.

When an infant or child isn?t eating or drinking this is serious because the child can become dehydrated. When a baby has a fever and becomes extremely irritable while, for example, having his diapers changed or when he is repositioned, call the doctor.

Lethargy along with unresponsiveness and a high fever can indicate meningitis, which is an infection as well as inflammation of the fluid and membranes surrounding the spinal cord and brain. If your newborn has a temperature that is lower than 97F this is not normal. Babies cannot regulate their temperature and they may get cold rather than hot when they are sick.
A high temperature can result in vomiting, listlessness, a stomach- or headache. If your child is suffering from these symptoms make an appointment with his physician. If a child has a fever after he?s been in a hot car you must seek medical treatment ASAP.

When a temperature lingers for more than a day in those younger than two years old, the child needs to see a doctor. If the temperature sticks around more than three days in a child that is two years old or older, he needs medical treatment.

When an adult has a fever, if the temperature lasts for more than three days, medical treatment is recommended. If an adult has a temperature of more than 103 F, get to the doctor.

Your child’s health, and yours, are the most important things.


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