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Best of … gadgets for the elderly

By Editorial Staff

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A list of the best of gadgets for the elderlyContributed by Info Guru Tim Brugger

If you’re not there yet, the plan is most certainly to arrive at some point.

The alternative is less than ideal. What’s that? Senior citizenship status; with style of course. But let’s face it, as we get older we become even more appreciative of the little things that make our lives easier. From the what-are-now simple things like the TV remote, to all the little gadgets for the elderly; convenience is king.

And that’s exactly as it should be.

Hearing Help

Bring back the sounds you’re missing

As-needed hearing help

Imagine…no more complaints from your family that the TV is too loud. And even better, you won’t have to miss a word of your favorite programs. And you can do it all without a bulky headset, with this tiny, easy to use amplifying devices. It’s the perfect option for someone who only needs hearing assistance once in a while like in a restaurant, at a lecture or watching a movie.

This portable unit can also make going to the movies or a concert fun again. Now that’s a gadget anyone can enjoy!

Active Senior Store

Reading assistance

A list of the best of gadgets for the elderly

I can still remember my Grandmother using one of those big magnifying glasses to help her read. Stop reading? Not an option, so she’d slowly move that big old thing over paragraph after paragraph. Things have gotten a LOT easier since then, and the Full Page Reading Magnifier is proof. Yet another one of the great gadgets for the elderly. It’s things like these that make me wonder how our seniors got along back in the day.

All Lift Chairs

New affordability

A list of the best of gadgets for the elderly

Nothing new about lift chairs, they just remain one of the greatest inventions ever for our senior citizens. What a fantastic idea. Actually, I guess there is something new about the AmeriGlide Liftchair from All Liftchairs; they’re not nearly as expensive as they used to be. Comfortable as can be and will handle up to 325 lbs safely and easily. Now, take about $240 off the regular price and this little baby clearly deserves inclusion on our list.

Senior Living Stores

Open it easily

A list of the best of gadgets for the elderly

Opening jars can be tough for anyone, but particularly the older among us. And at at truly affordable price, this handy Good Grips Jar Opener is one of the must have gadgets for the elderly. It may not look like much, but it’s a wonder of physics. Using leverage instead of brute strength, the toughest jar lids around don’t stand a chance.

Products that Help

Write circles around arthritis

best of gadgets for elder;y penagain

The everyday tasks a lot of us take for granted aren’t so “everyday” for many senior citizens. Writing checks, letters or signing a name can be a real chore, especially for arthritis sufferers. Naturally, some creative mind has solved the problem with the Pen Again. The unique design works without a tight grip, and will keep you happily writing away, without writer’s cramp, for years to come.

Easy Comforts

Safety at hand

A list of the best of gadgets for the elderly

Although these come in sets of two, what a great idea for all over the home. Along hallways and in every room, these easy to mount and lightweight Safety Handles can be ordered from Easy Comforts. While you’re there make sure to check out the reviews too. They’re as good as advertised and should be considered must-have safety precautions as much as gadgets for the elderly.

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