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Furniture that goes from apartment to house

By Catalogs Editorial Staff

Get what you need first so your furniture goes from apartment to house

Get what you need first so your furniture goes from apartment to house

Unless you?re lucky enough to be gifted with furniture you love and would have picked out on your own, you?ll need to buy furniture when you move into your first place. There are a variety of options available at a wide range of price points. With that in mind, here are some tips to make selecting and buying furniture for your first apartment or house a little easier.

Spend wisely

Start with an overall budget and then break it down from there. Chances are good that you?ll determine what you need to buy immediately and what can be purchased at a later date. Next, select where the bulk of your budget will go. A good mattress is an excellent investment, especially since most people spend a hefty portion of their time sleeping. Sure, that shiny big screen television looks great. But if you only turn it on once a week or so, it?s money that could be spent elsewhere.

A living room sofa is a piece that can be worth spending a little more on for better quality. You and your guests will appreciate a comfortable place to hang out and microfiber is an excellent fabric choice as it is very easy to clean.

Time frame

Are you going to be staying in this location for years or is a move in the not-to-distant future in the cards for you? This question is important for a couple of reasons. For instance, if you pay for more expensive items now, are you willing to pay the cost to move them when the time comes?


Alternatively, if you know you?re going to be in your place for a long time, stocking up on furniture that is budget friendly, but needs frequent replacement may not be in your best interest. Knowing how long you?ll be using it is the first step to planning your purchases.

Have a plan

This refers to knowing what your dimensions are, as well as how many stairwells and tight corners you have to navigate when moving furniture into your place. There are plenty of apps to help you, or you can draw it out on some graph paper. Just like with cutting lumber ? measure twice.

Knowing the physical possibilities will help determine the pieces of furniture you need or want and also help any salesperson that assists you. If they know what your size constraints are, their expertise should help you select items that fit your scale while also fitting through the door.

Take your time

Once the essentials are taken care of, take your time choosing the rest. An easy tip is when you?re at home and wish you had something right at that moment, write it down. If the same item is written down more than a few times, you know you have to get it sooner rather than later. This often happens with kitchen gadgets such as can openers and peelers. For items that are more luxuries or non-essentials, such as art and other interior decorations, go very slowly and be sure it?s a quality piece you will enjoy seeing every day. This way, you know you?ll love the piece for a long time.

Shop wisely

Showrooms are great for looking at a wide range of furniture at the same time and they can have some great deals, especially on floor models or closeouts. Custom orders, on the other hand, can get pricey. Since discount retailers and wholesale stores often have great deals on quality furniture, focus on what is in stock, fits your needs, and is affordable.

If you don?t see that perfect item where you are standing at the moment, don?t worry. You?ll probably find a great option at the next store. For pieces that are semi-disposable, resale shops and assemble-it-yourself stores are perfect. If your nightstand only holds your phone charger and a lamp, you can opt to save money on a lesser priced option. 

Ultimately, if you go out with your budget in mind, a plan for your space and a list of what you need right now, you?ll do great. Talk with family and friends for their suggestions and let their experiences work for you. Remember that low cost doesn?t necessarily mean low quality and keep your eyes open for great deals. Have some fun and enjoy the experience!


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