Fun Playground Games
By Editorial Staff
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Most kids love going to the playground any time of year whether it be during the heat of summer, the start of spring or a crisp fall day.
Kids enjoy the playground for all of the fun equipment and colorful things to play in or on. Playgrounds offer swing sets for swinging, slides for sliding, monkey bars for climbing and see-saws for partners trying to reach the sky. For younger kids looking for more quiet activities, most playgrounds have sandboxes to build sand castles, sculptures or simply fill up buckets for fun. In addition to playground equipment however, there are many games that can be played at playgrounds that simply require the great outdoors, open space and a few friends. Playing games at the park or playground provides a fun past-time for kids and families who want to get out of the house and stay busy. It also keeps bodies active since most days at the playground involve walking, running, jumping – and lots of laughing! Check out the following top 10 fun playground games and try one or more of them on your next visit to your own local playground.
10. Tag
Tag is a fun game that can be played just about most places outdoors but is particularly fun at a playground where many kids are around and the playground equipment adds challenge and interest. The game involves designating one person as the ‘it’ person, or the person who chases after all the other players. Players are given a few seconds head start to run around within a designated space. The ‘it’ person taps another person who then becomes the ‘it’ person and the game continues. Be sure to make a SAFE spot for those who need to rest a moment!
9. Dodgeball
Fun playground games almost always include the classic game of dodgeball. In this game, players divide up into two teams of equal numbers and then throw soft balls at each other. A player who is hit by a ball is automatically eliminated from the game, but the ball thrower is eliminated if the opposing player catches the ball instead.
8. Relay races
Take advantage of the wide, open spaces of the playground and plan out some relay races with other children. Test your sprinting skills with a 50-m dash or try a sack relay race where two players put one leg each in a shared sack and have to hop to the finish line.
7. Duck Duck Goose
Duck duck goose makes for an ideal playground game for younger kids and for kids who want a break from running around. Players sit in a large circle and designate one player as the first leader who then walks around the circle tapping each person and calling ‘duck.’ When he or she unexpectedly taps one person as ‘goose,’ the goose will get up and chase the person around the circle.
6. Hide and Seek
The classic children’s game Hide and Seek ranks among the top fun playground games for youth of most ages. Play this game by picking one person as the ‘seeker’ who closes his eyes and counts to 10 while other players run around to find a hiding spot. The first person found becomes the new seeker and so on. The playground adds a unique twist to the game since kids can have fun hiding in slides, on top of monkey bars or behind trees.
5. Hopscotch
Hopscotch is a versatile playground game that can be played with friends or simply as individuals. Use chalk on a bare sidewalk of a playground or gather sticks to outline boxes’ on the ground for the game’s framework.
4. Swing Races
Have fun by using playground equipment such as swings and challenge a friend to a game of who can swing the longest, the fasted, or the highest. If there is room and a soft surface, kids can launch off the swings to see who can stick a landing the furthest. Use caution if attempting to swing up high into the air as this can be dangerous if not supervised by adults.
3. Obstacle course
Create a fun obstacle course game using different playground equipment such as monkey bars, seesaws, jungle gyms and tires. Challenge a group of kids to a friendly competition to see who can get through the course the fastest without falling or missing a step. Add some fun by turning the course into “Hot Lava,” which means no one can touch the ground, specific ramps and steps, or designated colors of rails and handles.
2. Jump rope
Jumping rope is not just for boxers or fitness enthusiasts! Rather, a jump rope can make for a fun playground accessory as kids can jump alone by staying in one spot or even skip around the whole playground for fun. Learn rhymes to jump with, tried-and-true jump in games, and tricks like double dutch and tandem jumping. The kids will line up for a good game of jump rope!
1. Sand Treasure
A different and fun playground game for kids involves searching for a sand treasure in the sand box. Simply have one kid – or parent – hide a treasure such as a coin or toy deep in one sand-pit and then have kids dig away until they find it. Use your imagination to create more fun sandbox games.
by Info Guru Samantha Rose